This well-respected, market-leading text discusses the use of digital computers in the real-time control of dynamic systems. The emphasis is on the design of digital controls that achieve good dynamic response and small errors while using signals that are sampled in time and quantized in amplitude. Both transform-based and state-based classical and modern control methods are described and applied to illustrative examples. The strengths and limitations of each method are explored to help the reader develop solid designs with the least effort.

The Third Edition includes two chapters which offer a review of feedback control systems and an overview of digital control.  eEdition-2 of the Third Edition is the same as eEdition-1, except the composition has been compressed in order to improve the quality of the typesetting, save pages, and reduce the memory storage required, and the Table of Contents and the Index have been revised to reflect the new pagination.

MATLAB is thoroughly integrated into the text, in exposition and in problems, to offer readers a complete design picture. The e-Edition-2 of the Third Edition has been updated to be fully compatible with current MATLAB versions as of 2022 and includes twice as many end-of-chapter problems as the previous, printed, Second Edition.

This 2022 PDF e-Edition-2 supersedes all prior printings of the Third Edition of Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, and includes updates to key items and corrections for  all known errors found in previous printings.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction­­
2. Review of Continuous Control
3. Introductory Digital Control
4. Discrete Systems Analysis
5. Sampled-Data Systems
6. Discrete Equivalents
7. Design Using Transform Techniques
8. Design Using State-Space Methods
9. Multivariable and Optimal Control
10. Quantization Effects
11. Sample Rate Selection
12. System Identification (ID)
13. Nonlinear Control
14. Design of a Disk Drive Servo: A Case Study

There is a Summary at the end of each chapter and Problems for the students to work out. There are also Appendices that review basic material, contain a table of z-transforms, and a list of pertinent MATLAB Functions.

MATLAB Files and Figures

Download MATLAB files: MatlabFiles2020 (zip archive, 175 KB)

Download Figures: DigitalControl-Figs (zip archive, 41,506 KB)

Solutions Manual for Instructors only.  Send a request to:


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