Sep 1, 2015 | Structural Engineering
SC Solutions has doubled its already extensive capacity for in-house modeling and analysis with the acquisition of five 32-core dedicated analysis servers. SC staff can now better serve our clients, tackling much larger models and more complex analyses than in the...
Aug 6, 2015 | Control Engineering
Dr. Jon Ebert, Director of Systems and Control at SC Solutions gave a Webinar on August 6, entitled, “Simulating Feedback Control of Thermal Systems using COMSOL”. Many manufacturing processes, such as semiconductor and materials processing, rely on feedback control...
Jun 23, 2015 | Company, Structural Engineering
SC Solutions was awarded a 7-year Rail Delivery Partner (RDP) contract, as part of WSP Parsons Brinkerhoff’s team for the next phase of the California High Speed Rail (HSR) Project. SC Solutions provides technical support to the RDP team, including engineering...
Apr 24, 2015 | Structural Engineering
The March 2014 issue of the ASCE Civil Engineering magazine includes coverage of the Sound Transit project to install light-rail tracks on the Homer Hadley floating bridge in the state of Washington. The Homer Hadley is the widest and fifth-longest floating bridge in...
Dec 10, 2014 | Structural Engineering
SC Solutions proudly supported the 9th Nuclear Plants Current Issues Symposium: Moving Forward, in Charlotte, NC., as a Silver Sponsor. The Symposium brought together engineers, utility owners, regulators, policy makers, researchers, and many others from across the...