Model-Based Control for Chemical-Mechanical Planarization (CMP)

The research described in this tutorial paper involves an effort for physical modeling and model-based sensing and control of CMP systems.  A dynamic model of a rotational CMP process is developed, as well as simulation software. This dynamic model is used for...

Modeling and Control of Distributed Thermal Systems

This paper investigates the application of model-based control design techniques to distributed temperature control systems. Multivariable controllers are an essential part of modern-day rapid thermal processing (RTP) systems. We consider all aspects of the control...

Multi-Scale Model of the RF Diode Sputter Deposition of GMR Thin Films

A reactor-scale model incorporating the principal physical processes involved in RF diode sputtering has been developed and then integrated into a detailed steady-state input-output model of the growth of copper films. The model links critical aspects of the process...

Control of Sputter Process for Improved Run-to-Run Repeatability

Radio frequency (RF) diode sputtering deposition is a widely used process for depositing GMR thin films for multilayers, spin valves, spin-dependent tunneling (SDT) devices, etc. However, the thin films thus produced often show significant variation in GMR properties...
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