Dec 13, 2012
Multivariable Nyquist eigenloci provide a much richer family of curves as compared to the SISO case. The eigenloci may be computed symbolically in many simple cases. Inspection of the generalized Nyquist eigenloci plot allows the determination of the exact values of...
Dec 12, 2005
We describe a control-oriented model reduction process from partial differential equation (PDE) descriptions of aerodynamic flow systems, and the design of low-order feedback controllers using these procedures. An effective approach for flow model reduction for active...
Jun 28, 1991
Systems Control Technology, Inc. is participating in the Air Force program entitled “Robust Control Law Development for Modern Aerospace Vehicles” (MAVRIC) as a subcontractor to Northrop Aircraft Division. The goal of this program is to apply...
Dec 11, 1985
A decentralized, robust, multivariable controls method is described for the functional integration of subsystems in large-scale systems characterized by dynamic coupling among subsystem elements. In an integrated environment, a decentralized control structure reduces...
Mar 15, 1983
A well-designed feedback control system exhibits the properties of external disturbance attenuation and performance robustness with respect to plant uncertainty. The plant uncertainties of flexible spacecraft include unmodeled dynamics and parameter uncertainties....
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