May 2, 1999
A 2D model of MOCVD reactor has been developed for deposition of YBCO thin films. System characterization showed the need for control of growth rate, deposition uniformity, and oxide stoichiometry at the surface. A run-to-run control architecture was developed, and is...
Dec 1, 1998
Run-to-run control using static linear models is examined. Conditions are presented for stability, (statistical) performance, and robustness using standard control theory. A simulation example shows the usefulness of the method applied to a rapid thermal oxidation...
Dec 1, 1998
Sep 9, 1998
Sep 3, 1997
General finite element models of single wafer systems that describe both the dynamics of the solids as well as the gases are usually unsuited for quick design iterations, because of the computational complexity. In this paper a computationally more efficient...
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