Near-Optimal Sensor Placement for Health Monitoring of Civil Structures

In this paper we focus on the optimal placement of sensors for state estimation-based continuous health monitoring of structures using three approaches.  The first aims to minimize the static estimation error of the structure deflections, using the linear stiffness...

Auburn Foresthill Bridge Seismic Retrofit

Auburn Foresthill Bridge Seismic Retrofit Seismic retrofit of historic long span steel truss bridge in Placer County, California  PROJECT TYPE Seismic Retrofit  LOCATION Auburn, CA  OWNER Placer County The Auburn Foresthill Bridge is a long...

Contact Interface in Seismic Analysis of Circular Tunnels

The seismic analysis of underground structures requires a careful consideration of the important effect of shear strains in the soil due to vertically propagating horizontal shear waves. These strains result in ovaling deformations of circular tunnels or racking...
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