Quantum Metrology Subject to Instrumentation Constraints

Maximizing the precision in estimating parameters in a quantum system subject to instrumentation constraints is cast as a convex optimization problem. We account for prior knowledge about the parameter range by developing a worst-case and average case objective for...

Seismic Response of Precast Tunnel Linings

Precast concrete segmental lining systems have been gaining widespread use in seismically active areas and a single-pass version of such a system has been developed for use on the Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Project in San Jose, California. The response of...

MOTEMS Strain-Based Seismic Evaluation of Wharf Structures Using ADINA

Pursuant to Government Code 4526, The California States Lands Commission (CSLC) announced [1] its need for Engineering Consultants to perform a number of structural analyses with ADINA finite element program [2]. SC Solutions was selected to conduct this project for...
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