Optimization of the fidelity of control operations is of critical importance in the pursuit of fault-tolerant quantum computation. We apply optimal control techniques to demonstrate that a single drive via the cavity in circuit quantum electrodynamics can implement a high-fidelity two-qubit all-microwave gate that directly entangles the qubits via the mutual qubit-cavity couplings. This is performed by driving at one of the qubits’ frequencies which generates a conditional two-qubit gate, but will also generate other spurious interactions. These optimal control techniques are used to find pulse shapes that can perform this two-qubit gate with high fidelity, robust against errors in the system parameters. The simulations were all performed using experimentally relevant parameters and constraints.
Optimal Control of Two Qubits via a Single Cavity Drive in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
Joseph L. Allen, Robert Kosut, Jaewoo Joo, Peter Leek, Eran Ginossar
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042325 (2017)