Precast concrete segmental lining systems have been gaining widespread use in seismically active areas and a single-pass version of such a system has been developed for use on the Silicon Valley Rapid Transit (SVRT) Project in San Jose, California. The response of tunnel linings to seismic shaking is often predicted using engineering judgment, elastic closed-form solutions and numerical modeling. Such analyses generally assume a continuous structural system and hence do not explicitly model the behavior of the jointed segmental lining. A number of analyses were performed to predict radial and circumferential joint behavior during seismic ovaling and wave propagation. These analyses included a complex, three-dimensional finite element based ground-structure interaction model that incorporates inelastic constitutive soil behavior, cracked concrete properties and no-tension, frictional segment joint surfaces. The paper discusses the results of the analyses and provides guidelines for the design of precast systems in zones of high seismicity.
Seismic Response of Precast Tunnel Linings
G.J.E. Kramer, H. Sedarat, A. Kozak, A. Liu, J. Chai
Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference Toronto, 2007