Improving Recovery in the Yates Field Using Dynamic Feedback Loop based on Physics-Informed Artificial Intelligence
Abstract We present a robust control system and methodology for physics-informed artificial intelligence (PAI) used to optimize and improve oil recovery, demonstrated in the Yates Field operated by the Kinder Morgan CO2 company. The system consists of a robust control...Control Architecture Developed for DARPA’s Program on the Physics of Artificial Intelligence (PAI)
SC Solutions and Neotek Energy, Inc. successfully completed a project for the DARPA-sponsored research program on the Physics of Artificial Intelligence (PAI). The team developed a novel concept referred to as a Dynamic Feedback Loop (DFL) to ‘bake in’ the physics of...SC Part of Team that Wins Award in DARPA’s Physics of Artificial Intelligence (PAI) Program
The SC team has won Phase I funding from DARPA in the Physics of Artificial Intelligence (PAI) program for “infusing” physics into current AI techniques to provide rapid and accurate insights into future performance of dynamic non-linear systems.