FSI using the ALE Formulation

Verifying Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis using the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation




Internal Research & Development






SC Solutions

SC Solutions has extensive experience and expertise in advanced analysis, including linear and nonlinear fluid-structure interaction analysis of underground reservoirs, partially embedded tanks, and surface-founded, fluid-containing structures.  Through our robust internal research and development program, we continue to develop our knowledge and our technology to address complex problems.

Modeling fluid-structure interaction in varying situations is a big challenge for structural engineers using conventional tools and approaches.  SC Solutions engineers investigated and verified an advanced fluid-structure interaction method โ€“ Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation โ€“ to address these large deformation issues in fluid-structure interaction applications.

The ALE method can be used to simulate splashing, wave breaking, and large amplitude sloshing. SC Solutions engineers validated the method against experimental results for a covered tank. Predictions using the ALE formulation match both sloshing frequency and free-surface large deformations / wave heights from experiments. The tank flexibility did not significantly affect the wave height and sloshing frequency for this configuration.

SC Solutions continues to explore new methods and technology to better understand complicated phenomena and address real life project challenges.

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