BIM to FEM Services
Complex BIM Geometry Directly into Advanced FEMBIM to FEM Services
SC Solutions has extensive expertise in developing finite element models (FEM) directly from 3-D Building Information Modeling (BIM) platforms such as Autodesk Revit and Tekla Structures using custom tools for efficiency.
BIM tools are widely used to enhance the coordination between different engineering disciplines and increase productivity. 3D BIM models are becoming a primary means of project communication and design delivery for complex infrastructure projects. Despite advances in integrated BIM project delivery, the integration of design and analysis functions has proved challenging for the industry at large. The coordination between BIM and standalone discipline-specific design/analysis models is often not seamlessly integrated and therefore fraught with overlaps, redundancies, and costly rework.
To address these inefficiencies, common in advanced analysis and simulation, SC Solutions has tailored custom workflows and automation tools to incorporate complex BIM geometry directly into advanced finite element models (FEM) in platforms such as ANSYS and LS-DYNA. SC Solutions can package these workflows as a valued-added service complementing our own specialized in-house analysis capabilities or as a stand-alone service where we provide a verified working FEM in accordance with a given client specification.

The SC BIM/FEM methodology is used to convert large BIM models to reliable FEM models with correct geometry, meshing, connectivity, and element groupings.

SC Solutions BIM/FEM tools have assisted our clients in the following ways :
- Reduce cost and improve efficiency for analytical model development.
- Reclaim and repurpose previous modeling efforts.
- Streamline workflow processes across different engineering disciplines.
- Deliver enhanced schedule performance and readily accommodate design changes.
- Develop pathways to countless other modeling software environments through the full suite of SC Solutions model conversion tools.
SC Solutions continues to explore new methods and develop technology to improve the interoperability between BIM and analytical models.
For more information on SC Solutions’ BIM to FEM services contact us at