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Fast, Physics-based Models for Real-time Process Control And Monitoring

This presentation explains how SC Solutions' fast, control-oriented, physics-based models can be used as components of digital twins (DT) of semiconductor equipment. The standards document on digital twin framework for manufacturing (ISO 23247*) defines a digital twin (DT) as a “fit for purpose digital representation of an observable manufacturing element with synchronization between the element…[...]

Country-wide Evaluation of Spent Fuel Storage Casks using a Phased Approach for Nonlinear Seismic Analysis

Because spent nuclear fuel (SNF) will be stored at interim spent fuel storage facility installations (ISFSI) for an extended period of time, there is an unreviewed condition related to the behavior of the SNF within these dry storage systems during earthquakes. Thus, Sandia National Laboratory is leading a shake table test program to better quantify…[...]

Seismic Evaluation of Water Storage Tanks Considering Soil-Structure-Fluid Interaction Effects

This paper presents the framework for a performance-based seismic assessment of coupled soil-structure-fluid systems via integrated 3D finite element (FE) analysis. The proposed strain-based performance approach reduces the conservatism and uncertainty associated with the stress-based approaches while better aligning with the performance requirement of the structure to maintain its functionality. By optimizing the modeling approach…[...]

Modeling of Vertical Component Ground Motion for Soil-Structure-Interaction Analyses

The standard assumption of modelling the vertical component by vertically propagating P waves underestimates the spatial variability of the vertical ground motion over the dimension of the foundation of large structures, which can lead to very large vertical floor spectra at high frequencies. Modelling the vertical ground motion as inclined P-SV waves and including stochastic…[...]

Simulation of Soil Structure Interaction Supporting Seismic Shake Table Tests of a Full-Scale Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Introduction Currently, spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is stored in onsite independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSIs), which are dry storage facilities, at 55 nuclear power plant sites. Because the SNF will be stored at ISFSIs for an extended period of time, there is growing concern with regards to the behavior of the SNF within these…[...]

Investigating the Shear Performance of SC Walls Under Impact Loads

Steel-plate composite (SC) structures consist of infilled concrete between steel faceplates with shear ties connecting the front and back faceplates. Shear ties can be made of bars, rebars, plates, or steel shapes. Currently, there is a tendency in the nuclear industry towards utilizing plate shear ties since they provide better handling performance of the skeletal…[...]
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